Sunday, 7 October 2012

2nd Year of Projects - Week 7

I have not been on the Internet for awhile and have missed blogging but have not been able to turn my notebook on and actually write anything.  But I am back today and even though I will be posting this I am not going to be adding this post to the Ravelry group.  I feel like a traitor for not commenting on all the amazing other blogs.
I must also update my Million Row counter!  Will have to work that out today and update it tomorrow!
Teacher Year End Presents (Middle November 2012)
1. Dream Stripes (30 June - 05 July) FO Friday Post
2. Holden (04 July - 08 July) FO Friday Post
3. Shizuku (09 July - 10 July) FO Friday Post
4. Saroyan (11 July - 13 July) FO Friday Post
5. Amari (14 July - 16 July) FO Friday Post
6. Oaklet (18 July - 21 July) FO Friday Post
7. Ugly Ripple (23 July -25 July) FO Friday Post
8. Wingspan Teeny (7 August - 9 August) FO Friday Post

1. Pudding Blanket 1 - Zig and Zag 100%
2. Monster Blanket 1 - Monster Bulleyes 100%
Birthday Presents
1. Stepsister 1 Birthday (December) - Bright Squares Modified Blanket

To take part in the fun of the YOP challenge and to see other bloggers lists and progress go the Come Blog-a-long group on Ravelry